I can't log in, what now?
Are you selecting the right account type?
MentorCruise differentiates between mentor and mentee accounts. Be sure to select the correct one when logging in. The same e-mail may belong to a mentor and mentee account, in which case this becomes even more crucial.
Mentors cannot log in with Google Sign-in!
Running multiple e-mails?
Double-check to which e-mail of yours we are sending our verification e-mails, newsletters and co. The majority of users contacting us originally signed up on another email!
Using Google Sign-in?
If you signed up with your business e-mail, it's not automatically connected with your Google Sign-in and vice versa. If your Google Sign-in doesn't work, you might be running on another email altogether!
Using mentor usernames?
If you're a mentor, you can also sign in using your username (sent to you via email and visible in the URL of your profile)
Still not working?
Get in touch so we can double-check where your account is, if it's still active and whether you're at the right place!