I want to write a review for my mentor, how can I?

Ratings are important for your mentor to grow on MentorCruise, so we'd love for you to make it a priority to write these and give some good feedback!


We want you to take some time, experience the mentorship in its full form, and put in some work before you review your experience. So approximately 14 days into your mentorship, you'll be able to write a first review. You can leave a new review for your mentor every month after that.

You'll find the rating button in the "Actions" tab of your dashboard

We will remind you to send a rating and also prompt you directly in the app. Should you miss that prompt, you can review your mentor using the "Rate your mentor" link on your dashboard.

We will also ask you to leave a final review when you cancel. Leaving a review during the exit flow is mandatory, however, it is up to you how detailed you'd like to make it.

If your mentor ends the mentorship, you'll receive an email with more information on whether and how to add a final review. There are a few scenarios where you may not be asked to leave that final review:

  • the mentorship is ending because of billing issues
  • the mentor ended the mentorship during the trial or shortly thereafter
  • the mentor has signaled that the mentorship is not ending amicably (no-shows, breaches of code of conduct, misuse of the platform) and wishes not to receive a review
  • support is asked to end the mentorship


In your booking email, we sent you a link where you can manage your session, including the option to "complete" the session and leave a review. Use that link if you'd like to give your mentor some feedback.

If your mentor marks the session as complete, an email will be sent to you with the next steps too.

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