How to change, disconnect or migrate your connected Stripe account

For various reasons, it's possible that you may need to change your Stripe account used on MentorCruise, disconnect it or simply migrate to a new Stripe account.

Reason for this usually include moving to a new country, opening a new business entity, or having a Stripe account that's no longer compliant.

This option is always open to you under your payout method tab. Note, however, that all your running subscriptions and customers remain on your existing Stripe account.

Never delete an active Stripe account

If you delete your Stripe account, all customer data and ongoing subscriptions are deleted with it. Our support can not help you in these cases – all your mentees will have to sign up again for a new subscription.

It's possible that fees will be deducted from your account retroactively to settle disputes and refunds.

Instead, move all customer data to the new Stripe account, and make sure there are no ongoing subscriptions on your Stripe account before you delete it.

How to move subscription and customer data to a new account

Stripe support can help you with moving customer data to a new account. As part of this, they'll move customer data and associated payment methods.

Following this, get in touch with our customer support to also recreate and migrate all ongoing subscription to the new account.

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